Hoi4 spanish civil war trigger
Hoi4 spanish civil war trigger

Today we take a look at how to make Victoria Louise Kaiserin of Germany. Note that equals in Hearts of Iron 4 only checks for exact equality, i.e. No matter your mean time to happen (MTTH henceforth), it will take a minimum of 20 days (if you're unlucky with timing) to see your event fire.

hoi4 spanish civil war trigger

Checks if the current game is running with Historical Focuses on. Checks if the current scope has available slots for the specified amount of buildings. Returns false if any other country that controls a province adjacent to a province controlled by THIS fails the sub-triggers true otherwise. true if country's original tag is the chosen country tag. I looked for a trigger on the site but the only one that is close to what I'm looking for says that it still needs to be tested. Checks if the current scope has the specified agency upgrade (to its highest level).

hoi4 spanish civil war trigger

Checks if the current scope has the specified amount of occupied states.

Hoi4 spanish civil war trigger